Jul 27, 2010

Is Noncomedogenic An Effective Acne Treatment?

If you are having acne on your skin, the logical way to help with acne is to stay away from any type of application of products on the face especially those that clog pores. Acne treatment products, makeup and skin care are now labelled with noncomedogenic, which means that the product do not clog pores.

Acne is cause by clogged pores and with that little insight, we all do the most basic thing that make sense – that is to keep our pores clean and free from being clogged with dirt and dust. Almost everything we do, we have that golden rule of keeping pores from being clogged in mind and with the noncomedogenic labels slapped on skin care products, it is predictable that it can make us put products with that label in priority.

"Won't Clog Your Pores..."

For instance, oil is comedogenic, but when a type of ingredient that behaves like oil but does not have the formula that is similar to oil, then it passes off as not oil thus noncomedogenic. An example would be olive oil, which is not considered as oil but coconut oil is comedogenic.

It is natural that we would want noncomedogenic products so that it will not clog our pores. The thing is that, we have to be aware that noncomedogenic products does not necessarily help with acne to cure because there are many other factors that causes acne.

Also, animals are often use in products lab tests. It may not be really accurate to confirm that the product will cause the same reaction on animal skin with human skin. Then again, before noncomedogenic products came along, many people do not have problems with comedogenic products.

There are many reasons of noncomedogenic products to come along in the market and one of it is as an acne treatment product. But, if you are in doubt of find that using a noncomedogenic product is unsuitable for your skin, then it will be wiser to stop using it. Check for a solid base of proof on its ingredients to clear your doubt. Well, move on if the product is not suitable for yourself to prevent further damage on your skin.


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