Aug 23, 2010

Easy Home Remedies Using Castor Oil

Last week, a friend of mine asked me to buy for her an ingredient to make one of the easy home remedies she's been making. The ingredient is nothing but Castor oil! That reminded me of the benefits of this ingredient that I want to share with you here to help you in your quest to battle and cure acne.

Somehow, at my home area, castor oil was out of stock and I found it in a small little asian shop. The owner was a little puzzled as he told me that castor oil is used as a detox remedy. Anyway, it is quite a traditional method that not many have heard of especially for skincare. Castor oil has many uses and have been used by many over many years ago. It is a traditional oil to heal other diseases including the one the shop owner told me about. So, now here I am going to share with you on using Castor oil as a acne skin cleanser.

Castor oil is a thick and goey type of oil, which resembles thick honey. Though it is a type of oil, it is not very much like baby oils which are slippery. Castor oil is in light yellow color and have been used to treat many other diseases besides skin problems. Here's what I usually do to deep clean my skin.

First, I wash my face with a gentle cleanser.You can use warm water to wet your face as it opens up your pores. Open pores allow you to clean the impurities like dirt easier that tighten pores. After massaging your face with the cleanser, wash it away with cool water.

After that, I put a drop of castor oil, diameter of about 3 cm, and massage it on my face. I usually let it stay for a while around 10 minutes, like doing a facial mask, to allow the oil to sink it and do its cleaning on my skin.After that, I use a gentle gel cleanser and wash off the castor oil. It doesn't make my skin feel oily but somehow feels supple and hydrated.

Alternatively, Castor oil can be left overnight to let it soak and cleanse your skin thoroughly. According to the book "Handbook Of Dermatology : A Practical Guide", you may find that it is also one of the way to use Castor oil to clean your face. Personally, I didn't do it as I find that it is messy for me to leave it overnight, which is why, I chose to leave it on like any facial mask to let it clean my skin adequately.

The benefits of Castor oil is that it is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and completely natural as it is extract from a plant. It is versatile and can be mix with other lighter oil if you are not use to its thick texture.

Now, go hop along with a bottle of castor oil, use it as a cleanser to treat your acne.


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