Jul 22, 2010

Food For Your Skin

There are a lot of mention on eating healthy food as the most effective acne treatment method. In this post, I'm going to share with you foods that you can eat to help cure certain acne and skin problems. The main 4 types of skin problems that most of us encounter are such as oily skin, dry skin, blemishes and dull skin.

Oily Skin
Best food for oily skin types are vegetables, fruits, lean meat and cereals. If you are having oily skin type, you may be prone to acne problems. To improve your skin, avoid highly seasoned food especially fried foods and food that contains high amount of animal fats.

Dry Skin
Dehydrated skin can makes one looks tired, old and dull. Dry skin will need to be moisten to make it look healthy and acne free. You would be surprised that dry skin often have problems with acne too. Though you may not be able to change your skin, you can still improve it by taking care of it. Flax seed oil is rich with Omega-3 fatty acid which will keep your skin moist and healthy. Yellow and orange vegetables are recommended as well because it contains beta-carotene and antioxidant. You can follow the age-old advice of drinking up to 2 liters of water per day to keep your skin supple.

To fix blemish problems, eat more green and leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, almonds, apricots, carrots and cucumbers. The foods are almost similar as for oily skin. Basically, when you can prevent from having oily skin and dry skin, you will have less or none acne problems thus eliminates the chances of getting blemishes which are often left by acne.

Dull skin
If you have been eating a lot of processed foods and junk food, then it is time to dunk it to the bin. These food are unhealthy and makes your skin looks dull and haggard. Coffee is has a dehydrating effect on our skin. If possible, cut down to just 1 or 2 cups of coffee per day. It would be better if you can find a substitute drink and also eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin A,E and C.

Alter your eating habits one step at a time at a time. Pick healthy foods and if you can, change all your snacks to fruits and vegetables. Refer to the categories mentioned on the types of skin problems you have and use the guide to help you cure. Healthy skin is a sign of a healthy person. So, don't hesitate and start planning and eating healthily today.

About: acne skin, skin types, healthy food


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