Jul 26, 2010

Good Habits Help With Acne Recovery

Even when we have acne, our skin is continuously working under our skin without us noticing to help it cure. When acne keeps appearing, it is often caused by external factors that keeps disrupting its process of healing. In order to help with acne natural healing, we have to put in these habits into practice to ensure fast and effective recovery.

Clean Your Hands
Keep your hands clean all the time. Wash your hands whenever you touch or hold something that dirties your food. Though this is basic hygiene, it is recommendable to keep your hands clean at all times because you will never know when your hands will *accidentally* touch your face. Also, try to keep your hands away from your face from doing harmful things such as squeezing your acne.It will further damage your skin causing it more trouble to heal on its own.

Keep Your Hair Away From Your Face
Your hair is exposed air and dust in the air. Furthermore, hair can traps these particles in it. When your hair keeps brushing against your face getting contact with your face, it will bring more bacteria and dust from it to your skin. These are the least wanted items you will want on your skin as it will not help with acne.

Light Moisturizer
Yes, it is natural to feel greasy and dirty when you have pimples on face. The thing that comes to your mind is that your face is not clean enough and that you need to wash it. Over washing is a bad thing for your acne skin because it dries your skin. Washing means that you keep having contact with your acne and it interupts your skin to have its own time to heal. Wash moderately and use light or gel base moisturizer if you feel that your skin is greasy and dirty.

Drink Water
Drink lots of water to keep hydrated. Dehydration leads to dry skin and causes acne to appear because your skin will become oily to protect itself from being dry. Oily skin often leads to clogged pores and acne.

Eat Lots Of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contains a lot of nutrients that helps speeds up your skin recovery from acne. Try to eat more portions of fruits and vegetables as it not only help with acne but is also balance out your meal.

There you have it. Pretty simple rules for a better skin!

source : gettyimages.com


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