Aug 15, 2010

Acne Cysts Home Remedy

Acne cysts are usually big, red, painful, inflammed nodules and are filled with pus fluid. Anyone with acne cysts hates it the most because it makes it inconvenient for them as it is big and very obvious. Besides that, it is also a very uncomfortable experiencce because it is very sensitive and can be rather painful.

Acne cysts are big, and are capable of leaving scars that are hard to clear as when it ruptures, it affects larger portion areas of the skin. The cure for acne cysts is to dry up the liquid and pus filled inside the acne before it ruptures and damage the skin.

As usual, the human way of squeezing and popping the acne is a big no-no. As our finger contains bacterias that cannot ben seen by the human eyes, we have to be extra careful and avoid letting the acne cysts to have contact with our hands, hair and anything that might transfer more bacteria to the already inflammed skin where the acne cysts is at.

Clay mask is very effective in bringing out the impurities from the skin and it is the perfect agent to use to bring the cystic acne to the surface of the skin. Usually, the acne cysts are big and red, but over time, as it grow, it slowly turn yellowish underneath as the pus-like liquid starts io fill it. Clay masks can suck up the pus and the liquid filled in the cysts wihout needing you to squeeze or pop it. It is better as it will not damage the skin like how squeezing and popping will.

There are many clay masks available over the counter. Kaolin is sometimes part of natural clay masks, which is a drying ingredient to the skin. You can use natural clay masks or calamine lotion to dry up the spot . To avoid making the skin dry, just dab the clay masks on the spot itself and let it dry.

Use tea tree oil on the acne once the cyst is cleared. It will still be a bump but without liquid or pus in it. To kill off the bacteria, tea tree oil is the best product to apply on. It soothes the skin from inflammation and kills off the bacteria.

For better care and treatment for acne cysts, it is always better to consult the dermatologist. For future prevention, proper diet and eating healthily can improve your skin and prevent acne from occuring. Our diet and eating patterns affects our skin and it is important to adopt healthy eating habits.


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