Aug 28, 2010

Preventing Acne Made Easy

Preventing acne made easy simply by applying simplicity approach in your view on acne. Most of us fear when we have acne, fear when we have acne scars and even fear having to face future acne problems.

Acne happens to anyone from the time they hit puberty around 11 years old up to even 40 years old. Though the actual cause of acne is unknown, there are many factors that contributes to the formation of acne.

Hormonal changes in our body is affected by many factors, where some are internal and some are external. Internal factors sometimes cannot be controlled such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, when we are ill, stress and also the food we eat. External factors includes stress, environment, polution and climate.

Preventing acne made easy simply by looking at the whole acne problem from the root cause of it. Most of the time, it is not so direct but the link from where it came from can be found. Currently, research have found that acne is the result of the food we eat. Food like junk food, processed food and sugar is said to be the caused of it. That is partially true because, it affects hormonal changes in our body that is not natural and thus triggers hormones that aggravates the skin and causes acne.

To prevent acne before it happens, we have to understand the importance of hormonal balance in our body. For example, large dosage of sugar can cause a spike in our blood sugar level which can lead to acne and also other illnesses such as weight gain and diabetes. It does not mean all these will happen together but depending on the severity, the worst can result to illnesses as severe as diabetes.

As sugar level in our blood stream is extremely sensitive and also very important to our health, it is best to keep it in check and at a healthy level. There are ways to keep it in check by eating the right foods that contain the right nutrients.

Chromium, Essential Fatty Acids are often found lacking in people who suffers from acne problems. This is not entirely the people's fault as it can be due to the food we eat today that has gone through an even more complex process than 50 years back, that it strips off big amounts of the nutrients we need.

Another easy way that many people use to eat healthily to stay healthy is by monitoring the Glycemic Index (GI) of the food they eat. Knowing the GI level of the food will help them to choose to eat more of low GI foods and less of high GI foods.

There are many uses of the GI, and one of it is to help people to keep their blod sugar level balance. For that, it is recommended to consume low GI food as it takes time in digestion to break down the complex carbohydrate food over time and thus releases sugar into the blood much slowly. This gives us time to burn off some of the sugar before more sugar is added into the blood stream.

Sugar and refined-carbohydrates can cause acne as it indirectly affects the hormones in the body thus leads to acne. It can be simplify by being aware of these foods and ingredients that are contain in your meals and snacks to prevent acne. The key to preventing acne made easy is to be a mindful and aware eater. Choose the right and healthy food to help you prevent from acne.

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