Aug 1, 2010

Salicylic Acid in Skin Care - Facts You Should Know

The ingredient of salicylic acid in skin care is so versatile that it can exist in almost all of the product in an entire package of a skin care. A little background on salicylic acid; it is known as beta hydroxy acid and in acne products, it thins the skin causing it to shed more easily, tighten the pores and prevent pores to clog. At times, it was reported to be too drying for the skin of people who had used it.

One of the most important knowledge in skin care is to know the ingredients in our skin care products. In a simple study of finding the existence of salicylic acid in skin care products which consists of a 4 piece products of a single brand range was found that each of the product that are part of the skin care package contains salicylic acid.

Often, we are encouraged to buy the complete set of 4 – 5 piece products to complete our skin care regime. When it contains useless ingredients such as salicylic acid that does not work well on our skin, we ditch these products and move on, in a very predictable manner, where we just repeat our mistake because we just brought forward our hope but not additional knowledge about the salicylic acid in skin care. Over time, we ended up with a problem that looks like a drawer full of unusable skin care products and a lot of money went to waste with it.

Now that you already know the effects of salicylic acid, start checking your skin care products especially the ones that you are going to buy. 2 most active ingredient that can bring more harm than good in skin care, as mentioned by Chris Gibson, are salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, where both causes dry skin and flaking.

Opt for chemical-free skin care products as it is safer, greener, cheaper and efficient. Natural and chemical-free methods are very simple and works.You can be acne-free without risking yourself to salicylic acid in skin care simply by following a simple diet and follow closely with Chris Gibson's guide. The best results is achievable in a timeframe of at least 3 days. Honestly, it's simple but not easy because dedication and following the rules to the T is the main requirement. If you have those characteristics and really want to cure your acne, then it's a breeze already.

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